Democratization of public education: gender and inclusion in education
Public education. Democratization of education. Inclusion. Gender.Abstract
This article presents an approach to democratization in public education from the discussions about gender and inclusion in education. In which we aim to reflect the democratization of public school as a guide of discussions of gender and educational inclusion. Thus, this work it isa literature search, where we present historical elements involving the trajectory of the concept of gender, inclusion and the process of democratization of education in Brazil. We also bring about social changes perspectives and challenges that cover the public school in aspects of democratic management and gender inclusion. The theoretical framework used is guided in authors such as Candau (2020), Hooks (2019), Louro (2002; 2004: 2014), and other authors in the field of education that allow us to understand the democratic management and the inclusion of gender in the school environment, reflecting the school as a space for the construction of inclusion and diversity. Based on the discussion of gender and educational inclusion, we realize that the democratization of public education in the bias of inclusion follows a path in which the steps are slow, but much has been done, joint efforts to overcome the challenges that arise in the development of human relations present inside and outside the school.
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