Luminescence as an element of intercontextuality in chemistry teaching: an experience in PIBID




context, study of chemistry, learning


This study seeks to verify whether the use of interrelated contexts would be a methodology capable of promoting meaningful learning through the pedagogical practices that were carried out through the pibidianos in the science club of the Military Police college Cpm Professor Poeta Luis Neves Cotrim , in the city of Jequié, Bahia. The theme ‘luminescence’ was selected for study, given the diversity of possibilities for intercontextualization offered by this theme. Intercontextuality is a condition where different contexts are interconnected and interpreted in a given social practice. From this perspective, the use of such a didactic approach not only aims to contextualize chemistry teaching, but also to emphasize that there are situations that are interconnected and influence each other in a mutual way. Therefore, we consider this to be a way of showing students how important scientific knowledge is for understanding everyday life in the most different aspects. Based on this assumption, the article was structured as follows: a review of the literature on intercontextuality, knowledge construction, luminescence and the study of chemistry. Next, the methodology used to conduct the workshop presented in lesson plans and data collection through a qualitative questionnaire applied to students is described. The results of the data analysis are presented in the subsequent section, followed by a discussion of the interactions of these results. Finally, it is possible to conclude that the approach used was able to present relationships between contexts, creating learning opportunities for the student, making it possible to relate scientific knowledge with everyday knowledge.


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Author Biographies

Brunielle Santos de Jesus, Universidade do Sudoeste da Bahia - UESB

Graduanda em Licenciatura em Química pela UESB. Bolsista do Capes, PIBID. Voluntária do grupo de pesquisa AguiarLAB Síntese Orgânica e Produtos Naturais do(a) UESB.

Márcio Santos de Santana Filho, UESB

Graduando em Licenciatura em Química pela UESB. Bolsista do Capes, PIBID.

Eliane Teixeira Souza, Colégio da Polícia Militar - CPM

Mestre em Química pelo ProfQui- UESB. Possui graduação em Ciências com habilitação em química pela UESB (2003). Professora da Secretaria de Educação do Estado da Bahia: Colégio da Polícia Militar Prof. Magalhães Neto.

Siméia dos Santos Cerqueira, Universidade do Sudoeste da Bahia - UESB

Licenciada em Ciências com Habilitação em Química pela UESB (1997) e Mestre em Educação Científica pela UESB (2013), onde leciona desde 2003. Coordenadora do PIBID, Núcleo de Química.


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How to Cite

Jesus, B. S. de, Santana Filho, M. S. de ., Souza, E. T., & Cerqueira, S. dos S. (2023). Luminescence as an element of intercontextuality in chemistry teaching: an experience in PIBID. Revista De Estudos Em Educação E Diversidade - REED, 4(11), 1-12.