Where is the thermochemistry that was here? Analysis of thermochemistry content in a collection of didatic books





national common curricular base, textbooks, thermochemistry


The National Common Curricular Base (BNCC) is the official document that guides the Brazilian basic education curriculum and, as a normative document, the BNCC pedagogical foundations also influence teaching materials. Understanding textbooks as an important instrument for accessing systematized knowledge, the objective of the research was to analyze the thermochemistry content in the collections Ser Protagonista for the Chemistry discipline or the Natural Sciences area, for highschool education, of the Programa Nacional do Livro e Material Didático (PNLD) in 2018 and 2021. The thermochemistry contents in each volume of the collections were identified through a keyword search. Afterwards, the contents were analyzed considering: the adequate definition of concepts, use of examples, the importance of thermochemical calculations and Hess's Law as a particular case of the first law of thermodynamics. The analysis was carried out in a comparative way, relating the changes in textbooks with the BNCC curricular guidelines. The analysis demonstrated that the 2018 PNLD collection presents an inadequate concept of enthalpy and approaches Hess's Law as a purely mathematical discussion. The analysis also showed that the 2021 PNLD collection, despite a chapter dedicated to thermodynamics, with the definition of important concepts such as heat and internal energy, absent in the previous collection, there is a predominance of the physical approach in this content and the absence of the study of thermal effects associated with chemical reactions. Based on the results found, we consider that, in the new collection, guided by BNCC, there was a suppression in the thermochemistry content in the Ser Protagonista collection of PNLD 2021, prejudicial to the student in their human formation.


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Author Biographies

Juliana Vilas Bôas Costa Dias, Universidade Federal da Bahia

Master's student in Teaching, Philosophy and History of Sciences at UFBA. Basic education teacher at the state school in Bahia.

Hellen Christina Araujo Dourado, Universidade Federal da Bahia

Master's student in Teaching, Philosophy and History of Sciences at UFBA. Basic education teacher. CAPES scholarship, PG.

Rafael Moreira Siqueira, Universidade Federal da Bahia

PhD in Teaching, Philosophy and History of Sciences from UFBA. Professor at UFBA and in the Postgraduate Program in Teaching, Philosophy and History of Sciences, being Coordinator of the PPGEFHC UFBA/UEFS for the 2022-2024 term.


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How to Cite

Dias, J. V. B. C., Dourado, H. C. A., & Siqueira, R. M. (2023). Where is the thermochemistry that was here? Analysis of thermochemistry content in a collection of didatic books. Revista De Estudos Em Educação E Diversidade - REED, 4(11), 1-14. https://doi.org/10.22481/reed.v4i11.14045