Uncomplicated electronic distribution: learning through play





playful activity, learning, chemistry teaching


This work will present the importance of playful activities as a tool capable of helping students understand the content, with the aim of providing solid knowledge about chemistry. Considering that recreational activities in the educational context go beyond simple entertainment, this study proposed the implementation of recreational activities at the Federal Institute of Science, Education and Technology of Bahia - Campus Ilhéus. The topic covered is electronic distribution, and the activity was proposed by participants in the Institutional Teaching Initiation Scholarship Program. During the creation of the game, low-cost materials were used to facilitate its creation. During the application of the game, students' reactions, their level of collaboration, motivation and teamwork were observed. As a data collection instrument, students were asked to answer a questionnaire administered after participating in the proposed activity. The analysis method used was Discursive Textual Analysis. Through the analysis, it was possible to observe the incidence of three categories aimed at students' motivation when participating in the activity, increasing autonomy and teamwork. Given this, it is possible to infer that the use of games as a pedagogical tool can be effective as a method of helping students understand the content. It can be concluded that such activities played an important role in the teaching and learning of chemistry.


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Author Biographies

Veronica Menezes, Uesc

Discente do curso de licenciatura em química, na Universidade Estadual de Santa Cruz. Bolsista do PIBID

Beatriz Aguiar e Silva Pereira, Uesc

Discente do curso de licenciatura em química, na Universidade Estadual de Santa Cruz. Bolsista do PIBID.

Clara Beatriz Silva Ferreira, Uesc

Discente do curso de licenciatura em química, na Universidade Estadual de Santa Cruz. Bolsista do PIBID.

Caio Fernando Gromboni

Doutor em química analítica pela UFSCar. Docente no Instituto Federal de Ciências e Tecnologia da Bahia- Campus Ilhéus. Professor supervisor do PIBID.

Luiza Renata Felix de Carvalho Lima, Universidade Estadual de Santa Cruz

Doutora em ensino, filosofia e história das ciências (PPGFHC) pela Universidade Federal da Bahia. Coordenadora do PIBID.


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How to Cite

Menezes, V., Pereira, B. A. e S., Ferreira, C. B. S., Gromboni, C. F., & Lima, L. R. F. de C. (2023). Uncomplicated electronic distribution: learning through play. Revista De Estudos Em Educação E Diversidade - REED, 4(11), 1-11. https://doi.org/10.22481/reed.v4i11.14057