Becoming a teacher and the pioneer action in the implementation of higher education in the interior of south Bahia/Brazil in the second half of the 20th century: memory and history of Waldir Pinto Montenegro Matos
Memory, History of education, IbicaraíAbstract
The interest in the memory and life trajectory of teacher Waldir Pinto Montenegro Matos arose from the initial investigation process into the presence of the National Campaign for Free Educandários (CNEG) in the south of Bahia, in the first half of the 1950s, the object of the research work, whose main focus was on the movement to create “free” gyms in the cocoa region during the period. And, more specifically, the creation of the CNEG gymnasium in the municipality of Ibicaraí. In this process, the teacher's name is highlighted. Thus, based on the memory of Waldir Pinto Montenegro Matos's teaching training and professional trajectory, In the composition of the historical narrative, present in this work, we seek to establish a relationship between the life story of Waldir Montenegro and the role attributed to the teacher in the implementation of higher education in the interior of Bahia in the second half of the 20th century, with a view to a greater understanding of how this process occurred and the educational role played by teacher Waldir in the region.
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