Picture book, Teaching and learning, ChildAbstract
The present article approaches the picture book as a guiding instrument in the teaching and learning processes of children, in a perspective of fluent learning of literature by children, highlighting its importance in the child’s development. We also deal with the picture book as a methodological instrument that favors the development of the teacher’s work in the teaching and learning process if it is meaningful for the child. The research also included the analysis of the picture book by Ruth Rocha, “The boy who learned to see”, and the book by Elias José, “The stories and the places”. We chose these books because they bring images portraying everyday life, and because they are used in public schools. The theoretical foundation includes authors such as Bom-Fim (2009), Freire (1989), José (2002), and other authors from the field of education, which allows us to discuss picture books as a guiding means for the development of language and reading of the child based on the visualization of images. Based on the analyzes, we realize that the proper use of illustrations in the school environment can be a passport to the world of word reading, text production, and differentiated narratives.
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