Literacy, Teacher, SchoolingAbstract
From the early grades, the quality of education should be something common in public educational institutions, allowing children to effectively count on teachers capable of contributing to their integral development, expanding their critical sense, freeing themselves from the shackles of alienation and common oppressor/oppressed relationship in capitalist countries. Therefore, the general objective of this article is to reflect on the contributions of Freire's thought in the literacy and literacy process in the early grades. The literature review, qualitative and descriptive, was used as methodology. The results obtained show that literacy allows children to learn to recognize, decode, form words and sentences with the letters of the alphabet. Literacy, in turn, enables the use of reading and writing in their daily lives. Although literacy and literacy nurture their specificities, both are complementary and inseparable. It is concluded that the teacher needs to read and write their students, so that they appropriate the reading skills that will be carried throughout their lives in the most diverse social contexts. For this, it is necessary to consider their prior knowledge, using generating words that are linked to their daily lives to guide the development of the teaching and learning process, making it more critical, contextualized and emancipating.
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