Kid, Play Free, NatureAbstract
Abstract: This study is the result of an ongoing Scientific Initiation investigation that investigates the potential of unstructured materials in the production of toys and games for children in public spaces in the city of Jequié-BA. These are reflections based on authors such as Damasceno (2019), Tiriba (2010), Machado (2016), Piorski (2016) and others. Thus, it intended to promote reflections regarding the role of children's games that use the four elements of nature and the possibilities of this experience potentially being a performance, which lets the child's free spirit flow to interact, imagine and create scenes of tiny situations in everyday life. The discussion takes place in two parts: 1) playing free in nature and its potentials; 2) The four elements of nature in Play. In this way, we were able to talk about how important it is to have this place of life, freedom and coexistence so that children can play in the midst of nature, getting to know themselves and discovering the universe with autonomy, integrality and respect for the environment.
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