Multicultural Education, High School and Teacher Training: didactic interventions for indigenous valorization and re-signification




Teacher training, Law 11.645/2005, School curriculum


This article presents the activities carried out in the Degree Support Program (Prolicen), with educational interventions focused on Education for Ethnic-Racial Relations, so that aspects that, in some way, contributed to the appreciation and re-signification of Brazilian indigenous people cultures overcoming the colonizing prism. Among the actions, the initial evaluation process on the students' prior knowledge stands out, to subsequently develop actions such as lectures, graphic representation (drawing), studies and debates on the subject, in order to contextualize them to current issues on the subject. Brazilian indigenous culture. As a theoretical basis, the principles of a decolonial and anti-racist education were used, in addition to official national documents. The data allows us to identify the importance of Prolicen in the training of those involved, as well as it presented significant results with participating high school students regarding the demystification of elements about indigenous culture.


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Author Biographies

Pedro Henrique Felix da Silva, Universidade Federal da Paraíba

Degree in Biological Sciences from UFPB. Former Prolicen scholarship holder. He has experience in the field of Education for Ethnic-Racial Relations, with an emphasis on native Brazilian cultures. Outstanding Undergraduate Academic Laureate Award, UFPB. Initiation to Teaching Award - Dean of Undergraduate Studies at UFPB.

Ana Cristina Silva Daxenberger, Universidade Federal da Paraíba

PhD in School Education from UNESP. Master in Education by UMESP. Specialist in Psychopedagogy and Distance Education. Associate Professor at the Federal University of Paraíba and UAB/UFPB. She has experience in Education, with an emphasis on Teaching-Learning, working mainly on the following topics: educator training, inclusive education, special education, ethnic studies. Vice-Representative of the Inclusion and Accessibility Committee (CIA) / UFPB, sub -Seat Sand / PB. Member of NEABI - Nucleus of Afro-Brazilian and Indigenous Studies and Research at UFPB. Member of GEPE - Group of Studies and Research in Special Education. She has written several articles in the area of special education and published works in the area of Education and Ethnicity.


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How to Cite

Silva, P. H. F. da, & Daxenberger, A. C. S. (2023). Multicultural Education, High School and Teacher Training: didactic interventions for indigenous valorization and re-signification. Revista De Iniciação à Docência, 8(1), e13359, 1-20.