Knowing stories, analyzing scenarios: the CAT experience for training field educators
CAT, Rural Education, Teacher trainingAbstract
The KAT Project – Know, Analyze and Transform – is a specific methodology for training educators and coordinators of rural schools to study reality and construct public rural education policies. The primary objective of this work is to reflect on the training of rural teachers in the identity territories of the state of Bahia, having as a reference the KAT Project, which constitutes a process of continued training of teachers in the municipal public network, who work in rural schools in the Bahian Semiarid region, with the aim of designing a methodology focused on the reality of the countryside and improving the quality of its actions in the context of rural education. For this understanding, the research problem was how were the identities of rural teachers historically constructed? How can teacher training courses contribute to the critical-emancipatory development process of rural subjects? Thus, this work is justified by the need to understand teacher training as the path to the materialization of Rural Education where a school emerges that differs from that which exists in the reality of rural areas. Its relevance lies in enabling the practice of the project to be a reference as a methodological approach to the experience lived by those who work in the field.
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