Gender, Educational policies, Child educationAbstract
Gender is a category that encompasses idealizations that were built and developed in society from a certain space and period, it can also be understood by questioning the various actions that organize the lives of individuals in the world. In this work genre is sustained as a principle that is systematic and complex, its understanding is historical. It is a clipping of a monograph work, a qualitative research approach of the documentary type. It aimed to analyze the existence of the educational policy discussion on gender in Early Childhood Education in the main national documents on Education. The references that stand out in this work are: Vianna, Louro (1997), Hooks (2019). In this sense, composing academic studies on gender signals a purpose of resistance in the face of the various conservative threats that have been posed in our country. The entire journey was aimed at raising some questions about how the gender debate has been developed in educational policies in the childhood bias, in order also to collaborate with the various studies that already exist in the educational field.
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