Inclusive education in Mozambique: route and mishaps
inclusive education, inclusion, inclusive schools, special schoolsAbstract
The study presented in this paper is based on evidence that shows that school inclusion, especially after the Salamanca Declaration, is today a hegemonic policy proposal for education around the world (Bueno, 2005), and the realization that the democratic ideal of education for all still far from being achieved (Chambal, 2011). This approach starts from the problems that still address the effectiveness of an Inclusive Education (EI) policy, and seeks to chart the path of Inclusive Education in Mozambique, from its implementation to the present. This work is based on questioning the effectiveness of inclusive policies and aims i. to present the context of the implementation of inclusive education in Mozambique, its path, the instruments that support this policy; and, ii. take a critical approach to mishaps and the current context. Through the literature review on inclusion policies in Mozambique and around the world, this reflection concluded that Inclusive Education in Mozambique remains a challenge for government authorities. From the genesis of the implementation of a special education to the existing inclusion policy, it is experiencing a sinuous path marked by mishaps arising from conceptual amalgam and implementation.
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