Case studies for the approach of ethnic-racial relations in chemistry teaching
case studies, ethnic–racial relations, chemistry teachingAbstract
Case studies are widely recognized and used as a didactic strategy in chemistry teaching. Thus, the inclusion of new topics of discussion, such as ethnic– racial relations, can expand the possibilities of use. This study describes the production process of two historical case studies that address chemical concepts and ethnic– racial relations. We are based on the work of Stinner and collaborators on the production of narratives for high school, which have black characters in prominent roles. In the first case, the work of researcher Onyema Ogbuagu, who is essential in the development of vaccines for the new coronavirus, is discussed. In the second case, Dr. Maynard Daly’s research on the risk factors of cardiovascular diseases is put on focus. The purpose of the elaboration of the cases is to offer teachers materials with theoretical-methodological subsidies to discuss chemistry contents and ethnic-racial issues, to comply with Law 10.639/2003. We emphasize that the application of the cases contributes to the development of essential skills in the training of chemistry students, based on the political and social commitment to use science to understand nature and the society in which they are inserted.
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