The decolonization of thought as a way to a science teacher education committed to social justice
Science teaching, Education of Ethnic-Racial Relations, teacher education, epistemology, citizenshipAbstract
This theoretical essay aims to (re)think the science teacher education in the light of epistemological frameworks aligned with the decolonization of thought, as a way of thinking about a different model of science. For this, we conducted a dialogue between the theoretical contributions of Silvia Cusicanqui and Paulo Freire, based on two of their works, Sociologia de la Imagen (2015) and Educação como prática da liberdade (1967). Recognizing that these authors discuss epistemic perspectives engaged with the praxis and reality of their countries, we consider that the dialogue between both can be configured as a conceptual perspective capable of contemplating the Education of Ethnic-Racial Relations both in research and in teaching practice in teaching of sciences. Thus, we defend the composition of a theoretical framework that is committed to social justice, especially in science education, considering the challenges and potential present in the Brazilian and Latin American ethnic-racial context.
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