Experimental activities in mathematics teaching mediated by teaching practice and in vygotskian, piagetian and ausubelian perspectives
Mathematical Experimentation, Learning Theories, Lev S. Vygotsky, Jean W. F. Piaget, David P. AusubelAbstract
Emphasizing the importance of language use and organized thinking for a learning with meaning in the mathematical experimentation of Basic Education, Learning Theories are an excellent methodological guide in the teaching and learning of Mathematics. In this context, the purpose of this study is to delve into the subject of Learning Theories focusing on experimental activities in Mathematics based on Vygotsky, Piaget, and Ausubel, and analyze how such knowledge construction processes can be applied to the teaching of Mathematics along with effective teaching practices, promoting a reflective investigation on cognitive knowledge, mathematical experimentation, skills and human development and meaningful learning. Therefore, the methodology used consisted of bibliographic and exploratory surveys, with the development of a theoretical analysis on experimentation in the teaching of Mathematics. By listing these resources in a context with contemporary mathematics education, it was found that investigative and explorative learning situations, combined with the use of language and organized thinking and a social interaction that emphasizes the meanings and senses of experimentation can contribute to a more effective learning and a more meaningful understanding of Mathematics.
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