Presentation: Teacher training in a culture of peace, sustainability, solidarity and social justice
Culture of Peace, Teacher Training, Social Justice, Solidarity, SustainabilityAbstract
The theme of this dossier is based on the importance of answering the question: What is the role of education in the reconstruction of increasingly democratic societies in terms of peace, sustainability, solidarity and social justice? From this perspective, the Revista Iniciação à Docência (RID) presents the thematic Dossier “Training teachers in a culture of peace, sustainability, solidarity and social justice.” With the aim of publicizing and disseminating articles and theoretical essays that can provoke reflection on the subject in question, especially with regard to teacher training in today's society.
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FREIRE, Paulo. Pedagogia do oprimido. 17. ed.Rio de Janeiro: Paz e Terra, 1987.
FREIRE, Paulo. Pedagogia da esperança: um reencontro com a pedagogia do oprimido. 1. ed. Rio de Janeiro: Paz e Terra, 2013.
LATOUR, Bruno. Onde estou?: Lições do confinamento para uso dos terrestres. Rio de Janeiro: Bazar do Tempo, 2021.
MOLINA-LUQUE, Fidel. El nuevo contrato social entre generaciones. Elogio de la profiguración. Madrid: Catarata, 2021.
MORIN, Edgar; Aboussalam, Sabah. É hora de mudarmos de via - As lições do coronavírus. Rio de Janeiro: Editora Bertrand Brasil, 2020.
UNESCO. Repensar a educação: rumo a um bem comum global? Paris: UNESCO, 2015.
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