Initiation to professional practice in primary education: report of an experience of didactic innovation with the mediation of the Erasmus Pro programme
Teacher training, Didactic experience, Initiation to pedagogical practice, Education, ErasmusPro, Europe, MobilityAbstract
This article reports the didactic experience in the initiation to the pedagogical practice of primary teaching degrees in the framework of the European Commission's programme that promotes the mobility of both students and teachers in teacher training.The activities supported are varied and include, among others, traineeships and short-term placements (ErasmusPro), hosting of visiting experts. Participating institutions should actively promote inclusion and diversity, sustainable development and digital literacy through their activities, taking advantage of the specific funding opportunities offered by the Programme for this purpose, raising awareness among their participants, sharing good practices and choosing an appropriate design for their activities. This process requires collaboration and detailed preparation of activities between institutions from different EU countries with the same background. We propose to describe the experience between 5 countries - France, Spain, Portugal, Italy and Romania - and the steps to be taken to implement this peculiar process that will take place next May 2024 with the aim of improving the quality of initial and continuing vocational training in Europe.
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