Contributions of Freire practices to teacher training: experience of school management
Democratic management; teacher training; critical-reflective education.Abstract
This article aims to present an experience report of a school management that sought to guide its practices on the principles of Freire's pedagogy and contribute to the continuing education of teachers and students. For that, we adopted a research with a qualitative approach, of a descriptive and exploratory type. Data show that management encouraged teachers to seek self-training; to transform the school space into an environment conducive to learning; for this, they redesigned the school's pedagogical project with the goal of reducing school failure, held home visit in the neighborhoods where the students lived, carried out home visits; held internal seminars to reflect on pedagogical practice. The results reflected positively in the approval rates that rose in the 1st, 2nd and 5th year to 100%, in the 3rd year to 80% and in the 4th year to 83.6%. The dropout rate dropped to 0.3%. The rate of medical certificates and medical leaves of teachers and staff decreased. There were profound changes in the behavior, attendance, punctuality and performance of students. However, there was no effective support from the municipal education department to carry out the reform of the school and provide professional caregivers. In short, quality education is done with the engagement of everyone.
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