Conversation: teacher dialogue for the monitoring of teaching and learning in the EJA of public schools in Bahia


  • Adriana de Mello Amorim Novais Silva Universidade Estadual do Sudoeste da Bahia
  • Nereida Maria Santos Mafra de Benedictis



EJA; Dialogue; Teachers


This article aims to present the understanding of the importance of teachers' dialogue with their peers for monitoring the teaching-learning process in the Youth and Adult Education. For this, we sought to understand the importance of dialogue in Freirian theory, to know the theoretical and methodological principles and guidelines for monitoring learning in the Youth and Adult Education Policy of the Bahia State (2011). As a theoretical framework, we used the studies about dialogue by Freire (1980, 2013, 2001, 2011), and the discussion about the importance of teacher education was based on Candau (2011), Nóvoa (1992) and Tardif (2006). For data collection, a conversation wheel with teachers was used, with guiding questions, evolving understanding about Youth and Adult Education, learning difficulties, positive methodologies and reasons that led students to return to school in the Youth and Adult Education modality. With this work, it was possible to notice the importance of moments of dialogue, authentic, of communication and collaboration, between teachers and their pairs.



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How to Cite

Silva, A. de M. A. N., & Benedictis, N. M. S. M. de. (2021). Conversation: teacher dialogue for the monitoring of teaching and learning in the EJA of public schools in Bahia. Revista De Iniciação à Docência, 6(2), 267-282.