Continuing education after Pacto-BA and PNAIC: the teaching of reading and writing in ERE in the light of freirian discursive threads
continuing education, PACTO/PNAIC, reading and writing, freirian speechesAbstract
This article is an excerpt from a master's thesis with emphasis on the continuing education of three teachers who worked in the Pacto-BA and PNAIC programs, considering the teaching of reading and writing in the literacy process. The objective is to present aspects of Freire's postulates emphasized and observed in the practices of the respective teachers, during the Emergency Remote Teaching (ERE), 2020. The instruments used were made possible through applications conveyed to cyberculture (SANTOS, 2019) with interfaces in Whatsapp, E-mail, Google Meet, dialogue channels between the researcher and the teachers, for discussions about the pedagogical letters. The dialogues proposed with the teachers contributed to and the resignifications of the ways of teaching and learning. The result of this experience showed that the dialogic movement of continuing education between researcher and collaborating teachers, which took place both in person and virtually, favored the reflective movement, self-training, emancipation and professional development, enabling them to reframe the didactic actions in relation teaching reading and writing in the early years of elementary school.
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