Knowledge and teaching practices in Early Childhood Education and the contributions of the Pibid of Pedagogy at UFAL-Campus do Sertão




Teacher education, Action research, Pedagogy


The Institutional Teaching Initiation Scholarship Program (Pibid) has changed the relationship between theory and practice because approximate the university to the public school. The text presents the relevance of the Program for the initial formation of teacher education through the insertion of undergraduates in the daily school. The methodological characteristic of the Program is action research in which the scholarship takes ownership of the formative, reflexive, analytical-critical process of the teaching action. Thus, this work identifies the contributions of the Pedagogy subproject at the Federal University of Alagoas-Campus do Sertão for initial teacher training in Early Childhood Education between 2014 and 2016. The reports from the periodic supervision meetings and the field diary writings originating from the immersion in the preschool class, we categorized and used analytical support materials. The analysis and interpretation of these materials resulted in the understanding that periodic meetings for supervision, planning, and the field diary instrument are essential for a pedagogical practice based on reflection-action-reflection. Therefore, knowledge and teaching practices of Early Childhood Education put in the activities developed by scholarship, reveal innovative approaches that favor the integral formation of the child with emancipatory, humanized, and dialogic education.


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Author Biographies

Letícia Campos de Lima, Federal University of Alagoas

Specialist in Early Childhood Education from Universidade Cândido Mendes and graduated in Pedagogy from Universidade Federal de Alagoas. She has been active in research on formation of teachers, childhood education, children, childhood and cultures.

Laíse, Federal University of Sergipe

Doctoral student in Education at the Federal University of Sergipe and Master in Education at the same institution. Specialist in Psychopedagogy and Special Education from Candido Mendes University. Graduated in Pedagogy from the Federal University of Alagoas. She is a member of the Research Group on Teacher Education, Education and Contemporary.


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How to Cite

Lima, L. C. de, & Lima, L. S. (2022). Knowledge and teaching practices in Early Childhood Education and the contributions of the Pibid of Pedagogy at UFAL-Campus do Sertão. Revista De Iniciação à Docência, 7(1), 10-25.