When human experiences build oases: reflexions from the pedagogy of Paulo Freire about the role of the pedagogue in non-formal education


  • Carla da Silva de Jesus UFRB
  • Alice Costa Macedo




non-formal education. pedagogy of autonomy. non-school education.


This article, supported by Freirean theory, discusses the role of the pedagogue in spaces of non-formal education, observing the pedagogic practice and the possibilities of performance for this kind of professional in non-school environments. It was conducted in a qualitative research based on participant observation, semi-structured interviews and notes on a field journal. The research was carried out in a non-governmental institution, called “Associação Beneficente Oásis,” in the city of Amargosa - Bahia - Brazil. As a discussion of the results, the systematization of pedagogic methods of non-formal education and the role of the pedagogue in this educational modality with kids, adolescents and women who meet demands of living locally with few financial resources and in a context that presents great challenges was addressed. It was noticed that the educator in this scenario must present, in their craft, flexibility and fluidity, with the purpose of forming critical subjects starting from the liberating and popular education focused on the autonomy of the subject, the fight for justice and the capability of changing worlds.


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How to Cite

Jesus, C. da S. de, Macedo, A. C., & Cajaiba, J. B. M. (2021). When human experiences build oases: reflexions from the pedagogy of Paulo Freire about the role of the pedagogue in non-formal education. Revista De Iniciação à Docência, 6(2), 189-203. https://doi.org/10.22481/riduesb.v6i2.9597