Orality as a power in the literacy process: experience report with children in the quilombola campo
Literacy, Children, QuilombolaAbstract
Abstract: In this article, part of the action developed in the project will be presented under the title “Orality as a power in the literacy process of children in the quilombola countryside”, a teaching and extension project of the Núcleo de Educação Popular Paulo Freire (NEP), managed by the subgroup - Popular Education Group with Quilombola Students (GEPEQ), from the State University of Pará (UEPA), which aimed to collaborate with the literacy process of Quilombola students in the 3rd year of elementary school, at the Municipal School of Early Childhood Education and Fundamental Quilombola (EMEIFQ), located in the quilombola community of Vila União/Campina, in Salvaterra Ilha de Marajó/PA. The methodological contributions used were the qualitative approach and descriptive analysis of the meetings that took place in the project. To this end, supported by Alves and Marques (2021), Rufino (2014), Freire (1988), Arroyo (2014) among others who contribute to the analysis of this article. It was verified that the project that made use of orality and ludic activities, contribute to the learning, assimilation of the students and are builders of moral and social principles, as well as, such activities collaborate in the teaching process, being aggregator in learning.
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