The pedagogical profile and the perception of baian teachers on the literacy of children with intellectual disabilities
Intellectual disability, Teachers profile, Teachers' perceptionAbstract
This article aims to describe the pedagogical profile of Bahian teachers who work with children with Intellectual Disabilities (ID) and identify their perceptions about the literacy of children with moderate ID. This is a cross-sectional quantitative research, carried out with online data collection. The results demonstrate that 91.9% of teachers agree that both teaching models (individualized and inclusive) - when applied in a complementary way - are efficient for the literacy of students with moderate ID; in the regular education scenario, 88.2% of participating teachers experience difficulty teaching children with ID; 83.8% consider that the teaching currently used is inefficient for the literacy of children with the clinical profile of moderate ID; 84.6% feel worried when informed that they will teach children with ID. The regression analysis shows that teachers' knowledge of how to teach children with moderate ID to read and write reduces the possibility of them feeling unprepared for pedagogical interventions; Considering that regular education is capable of promoting literacy in a child with moderate ID reduces confidence in the possibility of learning with curricular adaptation. On the other hand, teachers agree that the teaching used is inefficient for the literacy of children with moderate ID, which represents one of the difficulties.
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