News about Journal Práxis Educacional


Dear authors/readers

We at Revista Práxis Educacional are very happy that our journal has been accepted to join the Educ@ Collection (Carlos Chagas Foundation), with this we have advanced even further in the adoption of editorial criteria that allow the journal to comply with national and international quality precepts. technical-scientific and figure in databases and indexers of national and international prestige.

These advances are only possible thanks to the valuable collaboration of our (the) authors(s) who submit manuscripts with high scientific quality, thus providing a greater reach among our (and new) readers, allowing a continuous flow of scientific communication.

There are still many challenges that require an incessant work with a view to excellence, given the permanent issues related to scientific editing.

In this sense, we are also publishing a tutorial to allow users of the system to carry out the manuscript submission process on the journal's portal, in order to meet the requirements necessary to fulfill the initial stage and, therefore, the evaluation in desk review.

Finally, we would also like to inform you that, given the technical adjustments necessary to configure the journal's profile in Google Scholar, we were instructed by the coordination of the institution's Journal Portal to proceed with an alteration, so that there was concurrency with the metadata (name of the journal) contained in the ISSN register.

Thus, we replaced the name in the journal's Google Scholar profile from Revista Práxis Educacional to Práxis Educacional, as well as changing all entries of more than 900 registered articles.

Thus, we recommend that all authors who have their profiles in this service also change the name of the journal in the respective entry of the text published in Práxis Educacional. To do so, the article must be selected, then the edit option and finally change the name in the publications line (which should only contain Práxis Educacional), ending the process by confirming with the blue command (top right). If there is any problem, please contact us.

Once again, we are grateful for the trust and credibility given to Práxis Educacional when depositing their scientific products.

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Editorial Team