Brief news (april 2024)


April (2024)

The 2024 edition (vol. 20) has already been published in April. We invite you to read the new articles!

Template 2024 - The 2024 template for Práxis Educacional Journal includes the main indications of the ABNT standards that have been updated; in addition, it contains the correct way of formatting the text, which must be followed as indicated (we recommend that those who submitted texts using the previous template, check the new version and, if their texts are approved, update their file).

Call for evaluators - We encourage those researchers (duly in accordance with editorial guidelines), who have not yet registered as ad hoc evaluators, to collaborate with Revista Práxis Educacional, in order to ensure open access to scientific knowledge. Only with the effective participation of all those committed to the quality and ethics of open journals will it be possible to eradicate the predatory practices that plague science.