Latin America and the producción of scientific articles: un uneven and asymmetric
scientific articles, Latin America and the Caribbean, SCImago country rank, research, scientific productionAbstract
The trends in the production of scientific articles both in the world and in Latin America and the Caribbean during the period 2015 to 2021 are analyzed, based on the data provided by the SCImago Platform in its 2022 version. The production of scientific articles is a reasonable indicator of the state of research and innovation of an institution, a country or a region. That is why the production of scientific articles in Latin America is examined in contrast to the rest of the world, during the period 2015-2021. It is a comparative study of a documentary nature with its own processing of the raw data exposed in the aforementioned Platform. The results indicate that only 10 countries account for most of the world's paper production, according to the database examined. Latin America and the Caribbean account for less than 4% of the total number of articles produced in the world; however, five countries in the region account for more than 85% of these articles. According to these results, there is an unequal development of research in the world and in Latin America.
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