Community-intersubjectivity and liberating education: conscientization in the critical-symmetric community
ethical-critical process, conscientization, critical discursive reason, dialogical education, liberation ethicsAbstract
This article deals with the ethical-critical development of the new socio-historical subjects in relation to the exercise of critical discursive rationality. It constitutes, in its origin, part of the Doctoral Thesis in Education and Contemporaneity, a study of a theoretical nature, with a qualitative approach and bibliographic procedure, developed from the hermeneutic perspective of Enrique Dussel's transmodern pedagogy. Thus, in relation to its partial aspect (in relation to the totality of the research from which it proceeds), it takes Dusselian ethics and Freirean pedagogy as a theoretical reference, from which it seeks, in the Freirean paradigm of liberating education, a practical reference for the ethical-critical rational development, as an intersubjective-community experience of ethical-subjects denied as oppressed/victims. To this end, it works with the key concepts of “ethical-critical process” and “conscientization”; “critical discursive rationality” and “dialogicity”; “community intersubjectivity”; and “critical-symmetric community”.
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