Trajectories of the institutionalization of assistance politics: identifying neoliberal governmentality as a discourse
discourse, governmentality, assistance politicsAbstract
The present text approaches trajectories of educational assistance politics and the discourses of technicians of a Public University, about the University Residence and the Program of Assistance to Undergraduate Teaching of the Centro de Formação de Professores/UFCG. It aims to understand the discourses of those professionals about the programs in focus. The theoretical foundation focuses on the concepts of neoliberal governmentality, biopolitics and biopower in an articulation in the context of social policies for student assistance. The interview was used for data collection, from the perspective of qualitative research, and Foucault's discourse analysis was developed to analyze the data. Regarding the mechanisms of access and permanence of students to the programs, we might infer that there is legislation which the Institution executes through the PRAC, in the assistance policies we might observe the predominance of the Brazilian neoliberal governmentality which is remade every day and restructured through discourses and actions, which contribute to the rhetoric of control which builds the Brazilian social reality.
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