Formative col@b and its potentialities in teacher education with digital cultures
Col@b formacional, collaboration, digital cultures, teacher education, interactivityAbstract
This article discusses the potential of Col@b Formacional with digital cultures in teacher education, a device (co)created in interactivity and collaboration between basic education teachers. This device is part of a doctoral research based, methodologically, on research-formation, in which researcher and subjects participate involved with their spaces-times. Conducted in a municipal public school, 16 Portuguese language teachers were involved, with itinerancy app-diaries and mediated conversations as data production devices. The analysis of the findings followed the perspective of subsuming notions. The results reveal that a) teacher education in act promotes processes of change and immersion with its own demands; and b) the reflective processes in the weaving of making-knowledge reverberate in (co)creation and teacher authorship, both contributing to the appropriation of plural and non-linear teaching practices with digital technologies.
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