Caring and educating at the nursery: pedagogical planning and the performance of class aid
Care and education;, Planning;, Class assistants.Abstract
This article aims to present the results of academic research on the relationship between teachers and class assistants in Early Childhood Education during pedagogical planning. The general objective of the study was to understand how the assistants see themselves professionally and what place they occupy in the Child Education Center. For the writing of this article, we will bring the discussions of one of the categories that emerged in the course of the research, namely: “Class auxiliaries and pedagogical planning”. The locus of the research was a public Child Education Center in Amargosa - Bahia. This is qualitative research, using semi-structured interviews and observation as methodological tools. In this sense, we held the debate on the integration of care and education, because of the relationships that are established between teachers and class assistants in the preparation of pedagogical planning. We identified that in some situations during the interviews, the workers pointed out the importance of integration, and even managed to indicate the possibilities of actions for the effectiveness of the inseparability of care and education, however, in other moments of observation, it was possible to identify that fact there was a separation. It must be said that overcoming is not an easy task. But it is possible, through restructuring concerning the division between workers, recognizing that caring and educating are teaching duties.
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