Ethics, decoloniality and migration in the light of freirean thought
Decoloniality, Ethics, Migration, Pedagogia da autonomiaAbstract
Pen down Paulo Freire's thought is both a privilege and a responsibility, as it is an arduous task to apprehend the nuances and richness of his ideas and ideals, as well as to relate them to social reality. Having said that and having accepted this challenge, in this essay I intend to align the principles of Ethics throughout history, to the decolonial proposal and to the migration movements observed in contemporary times. All of these will be bathed in Freire's thought expressed in his work Pedagogia da autonomia (66th ed., 2020). Speaking of Ethics implies understanding particular ways of being and being in the world, with humanity and in behalf of humanity. Thinking about decoloniality as a frontier movement based on a condition of subordination implies understanding the tripod critical, crisis and criticality and the world from oneself’s world with its epistemes and contradictions. To embark on the paths of the migratory flow implies rapports of alterity and the perception of responsibility for the other beyond political and geographic boundaries. Finally, to immerse these three categories in Paulo Freire's philosophical thinking means the willingness to assume the commitment to be more empathic (final phrase of the book!). This essay gives room to an enormous task, but one that I unpretentiously propose to start in a dialogue to be built with my readers.
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