Observing to Transform: contributions of the Supervised Observation Practicum to Initial Teacher Education
Observation Practicum, Teacher Education, Public Higher Education, English Language TeachingAbstract
This report aims to narrate the experiences during the Supervised Observation Practicum in the English Letters Major at the State University of Feira de Santana (UEFS). We reflect on the Practicum course's significance, especially in the observational aspect, within the context of initial teacher education. This work stems from the practical component, specifically the first of six practicums mandated by the current curriculum. The practical phase occurred at the field school, focusing on observing English language instructors in classrooms. These experiences draw upon insights from authors such as Biazi et al. (2011), Ferragini and Tognato (2018), Leffa (2011, 2012), and Freire (1968). From this perspective, we argue that societal development processes are intrinsically connected to basic education, with the Observational Practicum playing a pivotal role in initial teacher education. It facilitates the mobilization of knowledge, beliefs, attitudes, competencies, and experiences through observation. It is crucial to emphasize that findings from the practicum have been transformed into intervention projects, aiming to foster comprehensive development in both students and educators at the early stages of their educational journey.
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