Contributions of supervised curricular internship in teaching training and practice: analysis with students from the Pedagogy course at UFPR
Supervised internship, Initial formation, Beginning TeacherAbstract
The research seeks to analyze the contributions of supervised curricular internships to teaching training and practice. To this end, issues related to the difficulties encountered by the intern in their teaching practice and the role of the University as a training institution were discussed. The bibliographic research is based on authors such as: Tardif (2014), Pimenta and Lima (2004; 2006), Pimenta (1997), Souza and Guarnieri (2016). The field research included semi-structured interviews with 33 (thirty-three) students from the Pedagogy course at the Federal University of Paraná, carried out Google form. The questionnaire with 24 (twenty-four) questions deals with the student's profile, the role of the internship in teacher training and the difficulties encountered in carrying out the internship subjects. To analyze the responses, content analysis was used as a methodology (Bardin, 2011), and thus, three categories were defined: 1) Contributions of the initial training course in teaching practice; 2) Importance of supervised curricular internship in teacher training; 3) Difficulties encountered in carrying out the internship. Based on the analysis carried out, the research highlights the contributions of supervised internships in teacher training and the main difficulties encountered at the beginning of the career, limits and possibilities.
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