Análise da conversa e critérios de textualidade: contribuições de estudos do discurso para pesquisas em sala de aula


  • Marcelo Concário



Teaching; Research; Classroom; Conversation Analysis; Textuality.


This paper has been motivated by discussions among the author and five doctoral students in sessions of a course titled Language Matters in Science Education, in a graduate program in Education for Science in São Paulo state, Brazil. During the study of conversation analysis and standards of textuality, it was found that the doctoral candidates were not familiar at all with the agenda. Later, after a search into the CAPES database, it was confirmed that publications on such topics in (science) education were scarce. Thus, a review has been provided of theoretical and methodological underpinnings of discourse studies that focus on conversation and textuality, especially how they help to plan and carry out classroom research aiming at critical reflection in teacher education. Excerpts are analyzed of data collected by the author in previous studies to illustrate how notions of conversation analysis and standards of textuality can be put to use. Thereby, it is intended that the dissemination of concepts and procedures in the fields of conversation analysis and standards of textuality can contribute to initial and continuing (science) teacher education as they inform interpretive research on classroom events.


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How to Cite

Concário, M. (2020). Análise da conversa e critérios de textualidade: contribuições de estudos do discurso para pesquisas em sala de aula. Revista De Iniciação à Docência, 5(2), 6-19.