Music happens: experiences with music and cinema at the early childhood school


  • Mônica Araújo da Silva Prefeitura Municipal de Campinas
  • Wenceslao Machado de Oliveira Jr Universidade Estadual de Campinas



child education; cinema; music; teacher training


The article aims to take advantage of our experiences with music and cinema at the early childhood education school and to understand in them what can be music for cinema. Experiences that happened without intervention or planning, as well as others that were thought and planned. Presenting the potence of teaching narratives for research on teacher education, the main raw material of the text is four reports by the educator-author about her first experiments with the creation of music for short films produced in early childhood education. These reports were made in the extension and research project Place-school and Cinema, located in the Cineclub Regente/Cha and in the Cinema and Education Program, of the Municipality of Campinas, Brazil. By keeping the reports (almost) in full, the freshness, simplicity and uniqueness of each of the autobiographical experiences reported are maintained right after they have occurred, with greater proximity to the teaching learning path operated by the problems posed by music for cinema and from cinema to music in the early childhood school. The text analyzes the ways in which young children are involved in these creative processes, with the motto of the question: what would be music for cinema in early children's school?


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Author Biography

Mônica Araújo da Silva, Prefeitura Municipal de Campinas

Agente de Educação Infantil da Prefeitura Municipal de Campinas – CEI Regente Feijó. Possui graduação em Pedagogia, Pós-Graduanda em Ensino de Música e Artes e capacitação em Música, Recreação e Artes na Educação. Integrante do Cineclube Regente/Cha desde 2019


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How to Cite

Silva, M. A. da, & Oliveira Jr, W. M. de. (2021). Music happens: experiences with music and cinema at the early childhood school. Revista De Iniciação à Docência, 6(2), 71-90.