Foreground rebuilding: orchestring the future with teachers
teacher, future, learnAbstract
This article studies the concept of foreground present in the literature and reflects on the re-elaboration of the teacher's foreground, especially the aspects that mobilize them to teach and learn. The analysis is based on the understanding that teaching requires constant learning, in which the teacher allows himself to interpret experiences, achievements, desires, dreams, as well as anxieties, barriers and frustrations. The theoretical support is accompanied by authors such as Biotto Filho (2015); Nóvoa (2016, 2022); Skovsmose (1994, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2014, 2018); Tessaro e Bernardi (2019). It is evident that re-elaborating the foreground, in the observation of internal (subjective dimension) and external factors (social dimension), allows human beings to learn to have desire, to give meaning to their personal and professional lives, their conceptions, horizons and visions of future. Looking at the characterizations of the foreground and placing them in the lived context of teaching, it is possible to identify important situations, which refer to reflections and questioning of places that allow this teacher to re-elaborate their foregrounds in a collective way and especially in a “place ” called continuing education. Finally, it is inferred that re-elaborating professors' foregrounds involves reflecting on the way in which a person interprets the possibilities and perspectives present in their context, understanding their desires for the future, objectively, being fundamental to their actions and attitudes.
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