Pedagogical mediation in flipped learning: a systematic review of a pre-Covid-19 pandemic context




flipped learning, higher education, mediation


Flipped Learning (FL), or flipped classroom, was present in different pedagogical experiences in the context of emergency remote teaching (ERT) as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic. However, previously the AInv was more observed in face-to-face or hybrid education realities, perceiving the existence of different phases of the proposal, marked by characteristics of specific moments and contexts. Starting from the question of how the processes of pedagogical mediation in the FL were explored in the scientific literature in the context of the Humanities in higher education in a pre-pandemic period, the aim was to analyze such processes from a systematic literature review. 13 publications were analyzed that supported discussions about pedagogical mediation in the different moments of the proposal (before, during and after the class or meeting). Some observed silences are pointed out, requiring discussions regarding: the detailing of the mediation process at given moments; preparing students for FL; inequality of opportunities; distance learning experiences, as happened during the ERE. In this way, elements are discussed that can help to support future proposals and researches related to FL.


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Author Biographies

Achilles Alves de Oliveira, Universidade de Brasília - Brasil

Doutorando em Educação (UnB) e Mestre em Educação, Linguagem e Tecnologias (UEG). Professor de educação básica na Secretaria de Estado de Educação do Distrito Federal (SEEDF). Membro do Grupo de Estudos e Pesquisas sobre Inovação em Educação, Tecnologias e Linguagens (Grupo Horizonte/UFSCar). Contribuição de autoria: Conceituação, Metodologia, Investigação, Análise formal, Escrita – Primeira Redação, Escrita – Revisão e Edição, Visualização.

Yara Fonseca de Oliveira e Silva, Universidade Estadual de Goiás - Brasil

Doutora em Políticas Públicas, Estratégias e Desenvolvimento (UFRJ). Professora titular da Universidade Estadual de Goiás (UEG). Atua no Programa de Pós-graduação Interdisciplinar em Educação, Linguagem e Tecnologias (PPG-IELT). Contribuição de autoria: Administração do projeto, Supervisão, Escrita – Revisão e Edição.


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How to Cite

OLIVEIRA, A. A. de; SILVA, Y. F. de O. e. Pedagogical mediation in flipped learning: a systematic review of a pre-Covid-19 pandemic context. Práxis Educacional, Vitória da Conquista, v. 19, n. 50, p. e11883, 2023. DOI: 10.22481/praxisedu.v19i50.11883. Disponível em: Acesso em: 5 feb. 2025.