Transvestites and transsexuals in public universities: reflections on access and permanence
access and permanence, public university, critical and decolonial intercultural education, human rights, transvestites and transsexualsAbstract
This study problematizes and discusses the access and permanence of the transvestite and transsexual public to Higher Education. From bibliographical research, it is made reflections from a decolonial perspective about the difficulties and exclusions faced by this population, as well as the counter-hegemonic need to implement affirmative actions through public policies for the democratization of the human and social right to education, denied to this population by modernity-coloniality. In the country that most excludes and kills transvestites and transsexuals in the world, we can see that there is a cultural, economic, and social abyss between these groups and Higher Education, so it is urgent that the Brazilian State guarantees access and permanence of this marginalized population in Public Universities.
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