The place of teachers in permanent training: analysis and propositions
ongoing formation, pedagogical contexto, pedagogical practiceAbstract
This text addresses the place of teachers in ongoing training, aiming to provoke debate about the condition of passivity to which these professionals are subjected in training processes in which they are reduced to mere replicators and doers of what is presented to them as a solution to the everyday problems of their practices. Supported by the concepts of permanent training in schools (Imbernón, 2009, 2016), reflective teachers (Pimenta, 2012) and teaching knowledge, from the perspective of Tardif (2014) and Freire (2020a), we analyzed data from a questionnaire answered by seven teachers from the Initial Years of Elementary School at a public school in the municipality of Vertente do Lério-PE, about their experiences with permanent training. The results showed the interviewees' dissatisfaction with the training model they experienced, confirming the urgency of a new look at these trainings.
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