Pedagogical practices for students with autism: an analysis in light of evidence-based practices
autism, teaching, special educationAbstract
The literature has presented gaps about pedagogical practices that teachers can using to the removal of barriers that impede the participation and learning of students with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) in schools. This research aimed to report the interventions carried out in a Specialized Educational Service (SES) with students with ASD to analyze their theoretical foundations and consider them in the light of a set of Evidence-Based Practices (EBP). The sample had eight students with ASD. Video recordings of 43 sessions performed by the SES service were analyzed, resulting in the identification of nine practices related to EBP, described in the form of vignettes: Visual Support, Reinforcement, Visual Support/Reinforcement, Naturalistic Intervention/Modeling, Promptings, Task Analysis, Peer-Mediated Intervention, Antecedent-Based Intervention, Augmentative and Alternative Communication. It is concluded that the identification and description of these intervention strategies can help teachers in choosing pedagogical methodologies for students with autism in the SES service. It discusses the need to bring scientific knowledge closer to school.
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