The other school: lessons from latin american experiences from an agroecological perspective
subject, educational experience, population education, rural educationAbstract
This paper highlights the importance of the subject as a source of knowledge and potential reconfiguration in educational processes of agroecological transformations. It shows how the symphony of four Latin American experiences in social organization—in their way of seeing, understanding, and transforming reality—reveal a political subject under construction. In these processes, teaching and learning relate to other ways of doing and thinking about agriculture, and agroecologies come into play as a powerful driving force that promote collective action in the community through popular educational processes. This education promotes and favors the visibility and protagonism of the subjects and their communities through the recognition of their practices and knowledge. This allows us to approach new coordinates of understanding in politics, and of the subject, subjectivities, discourses, and popular narratives that oppose the logics of power and its forms of control, domination, and appropriation. These are challenging spaces to learn, listen and dialogue with other forms of understanding coming from different places of enunciation, and to value the richness of territories and the thinking subjects that transform them.
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