Between the expected and the experienced in the education of young people and adults: annoying, anxiety and complaints
education, oral history, young and adults educationAbstract
The Education of Young, Adult and Elderly people investigated based on the narratives of 12 mathematics teachers from the State Education Network (REE), in the state of Mato Grosso do Sul, central-western Brazil, was the object of Daniel's research ( 2022). Starting from this production, and the constitution of the narrative materials, we collected excerpts, highlighting discomforts, anxieties and complaints. The research in question is anchored in the methodology of Oral History, as it highlights the singularities of subjects, scenarios and knowledge gathered in stories that tell about everyday school events. Narrative excerpts that highlight teachers' cries about the training conditions they were subjected to, certification exams that permeate the modality and exclusions caused by mathematics itself. Shouts that mobilize writing, questions and explain what is outside what is foreseen in the legislation and expose the situations of this often forgotten modality.
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