Transdisciplinarity, Playing, Territory of PlayAbstract
This article presents the results of a research financed by CNPq, whose objective was to investigate transdisciplinary experiences through toys and games documented in videos of the Territory of Playing Program. For this research we adopted the perspective of transdisciplinarity defended by Basarab Nicolescu (1999). Data analysis was based on the three pillars of the transdisciplinary methodology proposed by Nicolescu, namely: different levels of reality, logic of the included middle, and complexity. Regarding the methodological procedures, the qualitative approach was chosen. Data collection was performed through documentary analysis. For data analysis, the technique of category- thematic content analysis was used. The results have allowed us to conclude that the toys and games analyzed provided children with transdisciplinary experiences within the perspective of otherness, regarding the respect for the other's thinking (logic of the included middle). We have also identified a polysemy of symbols and different experiences, coexistence, and learning (different levels of reality) and a combination of efforts in the act of playing through the dialogical principle (complexity).
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