Teacher training, Basic Education, Posgraduate stricto sensuAbstract
The purpose of this study is the teachers of basic education with postgraduate stricto sensu who work in the public basic education of the Federal District, identifying and pointing out the contributions of such training in teaching work. It adopts as dialectical historical materialism, which understands that the individual can not be analyzed apart from his material conditions of life. Methodological strategies include bibliographic review, questionnaires and interviews. It has the following axes of analysis: the profile; the professional trajectory, focusing on the entry into basic education and the post-graduate course stricto sensu; the perspectives and challenges of this training. This option is due to the importance of such trajectory for the constitution of the teaching work. As considerations are pointed out that the training in the masters / doctorate presents three important elements incident in the teaching work: the emancipation; autonomy; and strangeness. The perceptions found are moving towards building a more conscious relationship with work and its social purposes.
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