History of Education, Jesuits, MathematicsAbstract
The theme of this article is the Mathematics in a magazine published by a Jesuit college in Rio Grande do Sul, in the 20th century. The objective is to analyze the arithmetic knowledge in recreational problems in the section For Small Mathematicians of The Echo magazine. As the theme is inserted in the History of Mathematics Education in the gaucho state, this qualitative and documentary study is based on cultural history for analysis of the magazine, published by Anchieta College of Porto Alegre, in the last century. The target audience of the Echo was the school community and the Brazilian Catholic youth, as there were no magazines for the young students, with religious and moral content and general formation. In the recreational problems analyzed, arithmetic knowledge related to fundamental operations, divisibility criteria, progressions, permutations and simple arrangements was observed, evidencing the logical reasoning and charades. The editors sought to arouse the interest and curiosity of studious youth, contributing to circulation of the magazine and formation of the Catholic youth in the schools where it circulated.
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