Afro-Brazilian Diversity, Initial Training, Supervised InternshipAbstract
This text investigates the contributions and challenges of the Supervised Curricular Internship of the degree in Letters course of the University of International Integration of Afro- Brazilian Lusophony - UNILAB, in the initial training of foreign teachers. The advent of UNILAB, in the Baturité Massif Region, state of Ceará, provides the integration of students in this locality, mainly from the African and Asian continent that form the Community of Portuguese-speaking Countries - CPLP. Its initial teacher training project provides this integration especially through the Supervised Curriculum Internship. In these circumstances, we selected foreign students from the degree course in Letters as collaborators of the research, through this Curricular Component. The trainees in focus worked in two public high schools located in the cities of Redemption and Acarape. To conduct the investigation, the qualitative approach, the case study method and the documentary analysis of the Pedagogical Project of the Course of Letters - PPC, allied with interview and observation techniques were used. The results detected weaknesses in the didactic-pedagogical organization of the PPC of the Course of Letters, due to the absence of specific orientations or any guiding indication of academic programs or actions aimed at foreign interns. It was concluded that these students face varied challenges in the pedagogical mediation of the Supervised Internship, especially in the regency period, evidenced in customs, attitudes and gestures, and in the use of their own language, given the linguistic characterization of the trainee in the country of origin.
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