Education, Adolescent-youth, Values system, Social-psychological issuesAbstract
The article studies the socio-psychological issues of changing values in adolescents - youth in education. The research has been conducted with the adolescent- youth and their parents, the dynamics of changing values was followed. The research has shown that the important values during the comparison of compatibility of the values of parents with the values of adolescent-youth living in the city and region dominate directly on some values. But among these values they are especially conservatism, openness to innovations, self confirmation and self realization values. The factor of importance between these values is tendency characterized and fundamentally don’t differ from each other. The factor of importance shows itself only in the direction of self-realization.(in the level of p=0.046, r= 6.146*). That change shows that either the youth or adolescents prefer more self-confirmation values comparing the previous years in education. Considering it, it is recommended to create a condition for self-realization of its subjects in education.
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