Theory and practice, Supervised internship, Pedagogical workAbstract
An analysis of the Pedagogical Projects (PP) of the Pedagogy courses at the five Federal Universities of Rio Grande do Sul is presented, aiming to highlight the meanings in referrals in relation to the Supervised Internships. It was assumed that the supervised internship would be the privileged time and space for contact, work and insertion in the professional field, through project and guidance by the teachers of the Course. As for the theoretical and methodological aspects, two stages were carried out. In the first, there was a documentary analysis of the Pedagogical Projects of the five Pedagogy courses. In the second stage, a questionnaire was sent to a group of graduates of the Pedagogy course at one of the five universities, composed of questions aimed at contemplating and relating to the analysis carried out in the PPs. The questions were about the conception, experience / experience and the evaluation of the Supervised Internship in the Pedagogy Course at that university. Eleven interlocutors, ten women and one man, graduating from the Course between 2013 and 2020, participated in the interviews. The data were analyzed by the Analysis of Movement of Senses, a technique developed by the research group in which we work. One of the perceptions, after the study, is that there is a supervised internship foreseen in the pedagogical projects. However, no supervised internship meanings and conceptions were found. Likewise, the speeches of the alumni describe it as a practice, not infrequently, dissociating it from the theory and considering it a priority not seen in the Course.
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