Initial teacher training, Inseparability among teaching, research and extension, Supervised Curricular InternshipAbstract
The supervised internship is a mandatory and indispensable component to compose the initial teacher training curriculum. This research aimed to identify and understand the main referents
that evidence the perceptions of the interns, regarding the training processes experienced in the supervised curricular internship, planned and executed focusing on the inseparability among teaching, research and extension. The internship is a proposal developed by a group of teachers of the degree course in mathematics of a federal university located in the state of Pará. To obtain the data, a semi- structured interview was carried out with twelve interns from two classes of that course who participated / are participating in the project. The data were discussed and interpreted through content analysis, having as main authors: Tardif(2010), Nóvoa(1991, 2000), Gatti(2014), Pimenta e Lima(2011, 2019), Fiorentini et al(2002), Zimmer(2017), Brancatti(2018) and others. The study allows us to infer that: the interaction of the intern in the school space, indispensable to the formative process, crossed the limit of the classroom, occurring with the conducting teacher, with the students, and also with the managers; there is a difficulty, from the intern, in transforming learned mathematical content (teaching) into content that they will teach (learning), given the complexity of some, which requires integration and engagement among teachers, including those from specific disciplines; there is a feeling of protagonism from the intern; and perception of the inseparability among teaching, research and extension in actions, contributing to the construction of professional identity since the initial training.
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